Second Sunday of Lent - Year A


As we grow older, one of the first things that leaves most of us is the spirit of adventure--the willingness to take risks. We become comfortable and settled. At an age when most people would be facing a quiet final time of life, Abraham suddenly takes an amazing gamble. Simply on the impulse of a command from God he abandons his place of security to become a gypsy. He accepts the challenge knowing that he will not see its eventual fulfillment. Such is true faith. Would you do it?

I will make of you a great nation


He has robbed death of its power
His face became as dazzling as the sun.


Even though we are made in God's image, God is totally different from us. God dwells in spectacular glory: pure energy. If we could perceive even a glimpse of God with our human eyes the sight would blind us like the energy from a hydrogen bomb. To shield us from the fearful vision, God concealed his divine power to avoid frightening us away. Only once did God let the mask slip away--and then only to a select group whom he had carefully prepared. This was the vision shown on the mountain. It was a sort of "sneak peek" of our own future destiny, to comfort the apostles when they would face torture and death.

Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

© 2000 by Father Richard Lonsdale. You may freely copy this document. It may be freely reproduced in any non-profit publication.Thie clipart and commentatires above were originally on a web site maintained by Fr. Lonsdale. To copy the clipart images, click with your right mouse button and use "save picture (or image) as…"To view a complete list of clipart images and commentaries: Lonsdale Commentaries and Clipart