Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.



Kissing feet of JesusBelow are excerpts from various online sources. Please follow the links if you wish to read the entire documents from which these were excerpted.

bullet "...she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment." Luke 7; 38

bullet "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Forgive me Lord for not reaching out to those who are depressed or lonely, for my failure to comfort those in need of consolation, for the selfishness that has blinded me to the needs and pains of others." -- from An examination of conscience using the Beatitudes by Fr Tom Groenewold

bullet "Lord Jesus, you said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Let us not be impatient under our own burdens and unconcerned about the burdens of others." -- Dialogued Prayer on the Beatitudes

bullet "What has been my attitude towards situations which caused me grief and sorrow? Have I accepted them and learned from them? Have I been able to say: “I am sorry” and really mean it? Do I have an “I don’t care attitude” about the evils in society?" -- from Rite for Reconciliation of Several Penitents With Individual Confession and Absolution

bullet "The "mourning" in the Third Beatitude is in Luke (vi, 25) opposed to laughter and similar frivolous worldly joy. Motives of mourning are not to be drawn from the miseries of a life of poverty, abjection, and subjection, which are the very blessings of verse 3, but rather from those miseries from which the pious man is suffering in himself and in others, and most of all the tremendous might of evil throughout the world. To such mourners the Lord Jesus carries the comfort of the heavenly kindgom, "the consolation of Israel" (Luke, ii, 25) foretold by the prophets, and especially by the Book of Consolation of Isaias (xi-lxvi). Even the later Jews knew the Messiah by the name of Menahhem, Consoler. These three blessings, poverty, abjection, and subjection are a commendation of what nowadays are called the passive virtues: abstinence and endurace, and the Eighth Beatitude (verse 10) leads us back again to the teaching. " -- from The Eight Beatitudes - Catholic

bullet II. The Lucky Sad
"Blessed are those who mourn"

Flash floods of tears, torrents of them,
Erode cruel canyons, exposing
Long forgotten strata of life
Laid down in the peaceful decades:
A badlands beauty. The same sun
That decorates each day with colors
From arroyos and mesas, also shows
Every old scar and cut of lament.
Weeping washes the wounds clean
And leaves them to heal, which always
Takes an age or two. No pain
Is ugly in past tense. Under
The Mercy every hurt is a fossil
Link in the great chain of becoming.
Pick and shovel prayers often
Turn them up in valleys of death.

-- From Holy Luck by Eugene H. Peterson, Theology Today - Vol 44, No.1 - April 1987

bullet "We should also mourn the presence of evil in the world - injustice, cruelty, violence, greed, oppression. For it is easy to become accustomed to social evils because they are so prevalent in the world around us. We become inured to them. We take them for granted. We hardly give them a second thought. We see the hungry and the homeless and pass by. We hear about the victims of violence and oppression but do nothing. We find excuses for not getting involved in efforts to solve these problems. We do not mourn because we do not care deeply enough about the human consequences of evil. The saints do. " -- quoted from Holy Cross Family ministries

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bullet "The prophet Isaiah announced that a time would come when everyone who suffers would be consoled (cf. Is. 61:1-3). The Messiah came to fulfil these words. Jesus knows that those who suffer are fortunate, or blessed, because they are more able to welcome his words and so enter his Kingdom. He knows that, through him, the world's many afflictions can be transformed into a life of joy." -- by Chiara Lubich in Word of Life - November 1998 bullet "On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, The web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever. The Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces; The reproach of his people he will remove from the whole earth; for the LORD has spoken.
On that day it will be said: "Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!" Isaiah 25, 7-9

bullet "Suffering is a purifying experience. In losing a part of our lives or something we value, we are given, with the Spirit's aid, a clearer view of God. We come through suffering to see things - our lives, especially - not just as they appear, but as they really are." -- from Blessed are the poor in spirit

bullet "Jesus says, "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted." If we want to live this Beatitude, then we mourn for all the sin and evil in the world which is so offensive to God. Then we weep for our own sins, knowing that we ourselves have offended God in big ways and small. And if we truly live this Beatitude, we weep for love of our Savior who gave himself up to suffering for our sake." -- from Homily from Fr. Paul D. Williams Jr. - Ordinary Time 4 A

bullet "Those who mourn know how little they are without God. In their sorrow, they will be comforted. But their sorrow helps them see the many around them who are much worse off - the poor, the abused, the hungry, the discriminated against, the victims of crime and war and disease and prejudice. Their sorrow can move them to lend a helping hand to those who suffer and be Jesus' instrument of comfort to them." -- from The Beatitudes - by Father Kleppner

bullet "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Forgive me Lord for not reaching out to those who are depressed or lonely, for my failure to comfort those in need of consolation, for the selfishness that has blinded me to the needs and pains of others." -- from An examination of conscience using the Beatitudes by Fr Tom Groenewold

bullet "We mourn the sin and suffering that we see in the world. We trust that God comforts anyone who suffers form loss or injustice. We reach out to anyone who needs to be comforted." -- from Living the Beatitudes - Holy Name School in San Francisco, California

bullet Blessed are they who mourn... As people poor in spirit, we rely on God to comfort us and hold us because we know that God is always there. God gives us strength to continue living after losing a loved one, a job, or moving to another place. It is God's love that renews our spirit. -- from St. Ignatius, Martyr, Church - Beatitudes Homily - Fr. Joe Tomei, CSC

bullet "Blessed are they who mourn." Here is the Beatitude of feeling grief for the sorrows of other people. I can hardly feel someone else's pain without poverty of spirit, because otherwise I am on always on guard to keep what I have for myself, and to keep me for myself. If I begin to feel for someone, to feel and not just pretend to feel, I will want to share with him what I have, and even share myself. The immediate consequence of poverty of spirit is becoming sensitive to the losses of people around us, not just those whom I happen to know and like but strangers. This is the Beatitude of tears. Remember chapter 11, verse 35, of the Gospel of John: "Jesus wept." That is the entire verse. The 17th Century poet and priest, John Donne, comments, "There is no shorter verse in the Bible, nor is there a larger text." -- from The Ladder of the Beatitudes - by Jim Forest - this text was subsequently expanded into book form: "Ladder of the Beatitudes" published by Orbis.

Related: Resources on the 9 Beatitudes - Catholic Faith Education Blog: Beatitudes