Resources for Children's Liturgy
Matthew 22:1-14
(28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A) “Listen! Everything is ready. Come to the feast!”
Catechesis with Children
Puzzles coloring pages clipart
- Welcome to All - children's story by Larry Broding, - Family Activity: Listening Party
- You Are Invited - Excuses, Excuses - Children's Sermons from puzzles , coloring sheet
- Sunday Liturgy for Children worksheets | SDC Resources - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Catholic Diocese of Aukland - Liturgy with children - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- CAFOD - Twenty-eight Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) - A children's liturgy resource for Sunday October 8th. Download the accompanying illustration
- Sunday Connection - Loyola Press - Twenty-eight Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A
- Catholic Toolbox - 10/15/23- Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
- - Sunday Mass Activities
- Pinterest - Parable of the great banquet craft, coloring pages and puzzles
- The Kid's Bulletin
- Liturgy of the Word for Children - Diocese of Westminster - Year A, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 15, 2023
- Young Catholics - Mass Readings Themes - Resources, Prayers, Games, and Lesson Plans - Homilies and reflections
- Children's Sermons - A Personal Invitation - Good Intentions - God’s Invitation
- Classroom Sessions Year A | RCLB Lectionary - Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catechist Background and Preparation
Primary Session
Intermediate Session
Junior High School
Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles
Clip Art, Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Richard Lonsdale HermanoLeón Clipart, Ordinary 28 Clip Art Images 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time , Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú Cerezo Barredo's weekly gospel illustration The Clipart Wizard - Parable of the great banquet coloring pages (several coloring pages available here) Office of the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford - Wordsearch FreeBibleimages :: Illustrated story sets - Parable: 'Come to my feast' Joan Y. Edwards - Crossword Puzzle - Wordsearch Puzzle : A46 Come to My Wedding Feast, Matthew 22:1-14 Twenty- Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time View and download wordsearch puzzle Related: Gospel of Matthew: Resources on Sunday Readings - Matthew Coloring Page |