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- A Lenten meditation by Desmond O'Donnell OMI, in Compass - a Review of Topical Theology, Spring 2007, Vol 41 No 3 - A meditation on the story of the Prodigal Son:
COUNSELLOR: May I ask you why you came to see me?
CLIENT: Truthfully I don’t think that I need to, but my eldest son thinks that I am manifesting some strange behaviour. I’m here to make him happy.
COUNSELLOR: Could you tell me about this?
CLIENT: You read the story in the local paper about my son going off and coming back years later.
COUNSELLOR: Do you think the story as told is accurate?
CLIENT: Yes it is, but most people lost sight of me and my feelings in the story. They speak only of ‘a prodigal son’. They concentrate on guilt, blame and forgiveness. Yes, I suppose my young boy was foolish, but people missed my feelings and they misunderstand the deeper experience of what happened to me. Maybe that’s why my elder son sent me to you. Read the remainder of the meditation...