How Do I Tell You "I
Love You"?
How do I tell you "I love
How do I show you I care?
How do I say all you mean to me?
How can mere words say it all?
How can I show you my
What can I do that will tell?
How do I say all you mean to me?
How can you know what I feel?
Here's how I tell you "I
love you";
Here's how I show you I care;
Here's how I say all you mean to me-
Feel how you feel in my love.
Feel how my love wraps
around you,
Snuggling you close in its care.
Feel how it loves to embrace you;
Feel the sweet peace you find there. |
Feel the cares slip from
your shoulders.
Feel your load lightened by love.
Feel the blessing you're knowing,
Safe in the arms of my love.
Feel the contentment of
Someone is loving you now.
Feel the joy that you're glowing;
Swept in the arms of my love.
That's how I tell you "I love you";
That's how I show you I care;
That's how I say all you mean to me-
That's how I say what I feel.
Charles David Heineke, 1993