Social Justice Awareness Activities


    Moses and the burning bush. The following are a few creative ideas to help students become more aware of social justice issues and to get them involved in activities that will help this new awareness "stick" to their lives.

  • The Web site of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers a number of lesson plans and resources on social justice issues for K-12 and for adults. These are listed by topics under the following headings: Life and Dignity of the Human Person; Solidarity; Option for the Poor and Vulnerable; Faithful Citizenship; Poverty in the United States; Global Solidarity

  • Giraffe Heroes Project - Giraffe Heroes are people who stick their necks out for the common good. The nonprofit Giraffe Heroes Project tells their stories on podiums, in materials for schools and in the media. Giraffe Heroes are models for the rest of us.
  • Stations of the Cross: Social Justice and Peace - A Way of the Cross in a Time of Conflict, Wellspring

Related: Justice and Peace Resources