28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A


Saint Paul certainly had a varied life with its ups and downs. He provoked strong feelings in others. Some almost adored him--others tried to kill him. He was feaster and starved. His life reflects the extremes that many people go through; usually on a smaller scale.
He gives us a vital secret how to survive these peaks and valleys. He becomes all things to all people. He can do this because of his total confidence in Jesus. He can do everything with and through Christ. It's a lesson worth learning.

On this mountain the Lord will destroy death forever.

I can do all things in him who strengthens me.


Go out and bring in anyone you can.
My friend how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?


The last section of today's gospel doesn't seem to fit. It may have been a separate story, but the author of Matthew's gospel sees it as a unit.
The first section describes a king's disappoint at the response to an invitation. This probably refers to God's sadness at people's indifference to Jesus. Others are invited in their place--all of those who will come to Christ.
The final part of the story presents the king's anger at one of the guests who isn't properly dressed. How could the guest be ready if he's been dragged in at the last minute? If you just came off the street, would you be likely to have one?
The answer may be that God provides the right clothes for all of us: a suit of love. If we accept an invitation without caring about the guest of honor, why should we bother?

Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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