7th Sunday Ordinary Time - Year B


Paul defends himself some from criticisms that he had promised to visit Corinth, Greece. He explains that it wasn't his fault but was due to circumstances beyond his control. He argues that he doesn't say "yes" when he means "no". Jesus will confirm his intention to be faithful to his promises.

Everyone of God's promises a Yes
They opened the roof and let down the mat


Jesus became so famous a celebrity that he was hounded by mobs everywhere. This proved to be a handicap in Peter's home. He lived in a large apartment complex with narrow corridors. It had only one floor a flat roof. There was a grill-work hole over each room to let in air and light. A group of men use this to lower a sick man to Jesus.

Related: Resources on Sunday Readings - Clipart, homelies, articles, coloring pages, music: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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