General Information on the Bible
- American Bible Society
- Bible, Prayer and Sermon Resources by Fr Tommy Lane
- Bible Picture Tour
- Bible Quizzes from
- Catholic Youth and the Bible: Moving from Biblical Literacy to Biblical Spirituality - by Brian Singer-Towns - Development editor for Saint Mary’s Press. He has worked in youth ministry for over twenty years.
- Other Sites
Biblical & Educational Resources
- Saint John's Bible- A Bible For The New Millennium
- The Biblical Studies Foundation
- The Catholic Biblical Association of America
- The Church and the Bible: A New Understanding - by Raymond E. Brown
- The Christian and the Bible
- Using
Imaginative Retellings in Teaching the Bible - by Tom
Gorsuch teacher and drama director, Sacred Heart High School,
Kingston, Massachusetts
Related: New Testament: General - Old Testmanent - Scripture Clipart - Bible Coloring Pages