Clip Art for Religious Education
Below is a small selection of links to web sites containing excellent
clip art that you can use for religious education. As far as I know,
from indications given on the sites, these are free, at least for non
commercial uses. The graphics you see on this page have been chosen
from the sites listed.
- Nativity Clipart - This site lists an extensive number of Web sites that contain clipart on a nativity theme.
- Hermanoleon Clipart - A wonderful resource filled with some of the very best Catholic graphics on the Internet. These are produced by a Franciscan community and are listed on pages according to themes.
- The Clipart on the left is from La
página de Cerezo Barredo a collection of
sketches based on gospel reading for every Sunday and feast
days in years A, B,and C in the liturgical cycle. These
were created by artist Cerezo Barredo.
- Scripture Clipart - This is part of the Resources for Catholic Educators web site and contains 50 graphics with scripture passages. All 50 smaller graphics can be enlarged and printed to make a small poster. You can access these by selecting from the pulldown menu below:
- New Testament Clipart and Old Testament Clipart - Looking for a clipart to illustrate a specific Bible verse or passage. These page may contain what you are looking for. The graphic below are a sampling of the hundreds of clipart available in this collection.
- Two Hearts Design - Free Catholic Clipart and Hearts Clipart - A large collection of Catholic/Christian clipart. Graphics are listed under the following headings:
Related: Old Testament Clipart - New Testament Clipart - Gospel Clipart - Lent Clipart - Palm Sunday Clipart - Feasts & Special Days - Holy Thursday Clipart - Good Friday Clipart - Objects in a Church - Church Buildings - Sacraments Clipart - Angels Clipart - RCIA - Christian Clipart: Various - Church and School Bulletins - Advent & Christmas Clipart - Clipart Links - Catholic Clipart - Catholic Faith Education Blog: Clipart