Pope John Paul II on Ecumenism ~ Catholic
Documents on Ecumenism ~ Common Declarations
Ecumenical Organisations ~ Sites
on Ecumenism ~ Essays, Sermons, Speeches
and Articles
Pope John Paul II on Ecumenism
- All Must Strive for Goal of Full Unity - General Audience July 12, 1995
- "Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock"
- Be Reconciled to God and to One Another - January 19, 1997
- Ecumenism Is Now An Urgent Task for the Catholic Church - to the members of the Episcopal Conference of Romania - 7 December 1996
- Ecumenism of Martyrs and Saints - May 23, 1995. Address to the official delegation from Bulgaria visiting Rome to celebrate the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius.
- God's Spirit Impels Us to Restore Full Unity
- Message to the Cuban Council of Churches - Pope John Paul II, Havana, January 1998
- May We Rediscover Our Full Communion - The Holy Father's message to Karekin I, Patriarch of All Armenians
- We extend our arms in brotherhood - to the Patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches at an audience on 29 September 1998
- That All May Be One - Pope John Paul II: Ut Unum Sint, 1995
- Vatican II Called Catholics to Active Role in Ecumenism - Pope John Paul II - Sunday Angelus, January 21, 1996
- Vatican II Praised Eastern Traditions - General Audience August 9, 1995
- We preach a message of reconciliation - General Audience
"I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you , that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me." John 17:20-21
Catholic Documents on Ecumenism
- Catholic-Mennonite Dialogue - Mons. John A. Radano - Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
- Decree on the Churches of the Eastern Rite
- Decree on Ecumenism - Vatican II
- Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism - Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity - 1993
- Dominus Iesus - on the Unicity and Salvific Unniversality of Jesus Christ and the Church
- On admitting Other Christians to Eucharistic Communion in the Catholic
- On Religious Unity - Pope Pius XI: Mortalium Animos - 1928
- On the Ecumenical Movement - An Instruction of the Holy Office - 1949
- Our Chance to Promote
Unity - Joint Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops of Zimbabwe
to their Faithful on the occasion of the 8th World Assembly of the
World Council of Churches in Harare in December 1998
Church - Secretariat for the Promotion of the Unity of Christians - 1972 - Responses
of the Catholic Church to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of
Justification - Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity - 1998 - That
They May All Be One - The Imperative and Prospects of Christian Unity
Edward Idris Cassidy
Common Declarations
- Ecumenism in Canada
- Common Declaration signed by Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Bartholomew I in 1995
- Common Declaration signed by Pope John Paul II and Armenian Catholicicos Karekin I in 1996
- Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification - 1997
Ecumenical Organisations
- Ecunet - "online world's oldest interactive Christian community!"
- Order of Ecumenical Franciscans
- Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
- World Council of Churches
Sites on Ecumenism
- Church Unity - "This site provides you with a chance to become more familiar with the life of the Church of Christ in Russia in its various traditional forms as well as with the contemporary Catholic-Orthodox relations and dialogues in Russia."
- Ecumenical Links - "maintained by the World Council of Churches as a service to the ecumenical community"
- Ecumenical News International
- Ecumenism - "Some references to sites that promote interreligious dialogue, report on ecumenical affairs and/or have texts concerning theological discussions or agreements between churches and among religious groups."
- Ecumenism: Theology Library
- Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism
- The Living Pulpit Journal - An Ecumenical Christian Magazine
Essays, Sermons, Speeches and Articles on Ecumenism
- A Communion of Martyrs - by Sven-Erik Brodd in Ecumenical Review, 2000. - on the Papal Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint
- All Economics Is Local - by Joe Nangle, O.F.M. - Sojourners magazine - May-June 1997 - "Ecumenism will happen not so much as a result of doctrinal discussions, but through real-life activities on behalf of a suffering world."
- A Point of No Return?: The Joint Declaration and the future of Lutheran-Catholic dialogue - by Peder Norgaard-Hojen in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- Ask the Wise Man: Sharing Communion Is Rarely Permitted - November 1999 Issue of St. Anthony Messenger
- Augsburg and Catholicism: Healing the Reformation Breach - by Richard John Neuhaus in Theology Today, 1980
- Baptism -- the Basis of Church Unity?: The Question of Baptism in Faith and Order - by Dagmar Heller in Ecumenical Review, 1998
- Canada Meeting Gives New Hope for Unity Between Anglicans and Catholics - By Ferdy Baglo - Christianity Today Magazine
- Catholics and Lutherans Remove Mutual Condemnations - ZENITH, 1999
- Construing Newer "Window" of Ecumenism for Africa: A Catholic Perspective - by Gosbert T. M. Byamungu in Ecumenical Review, 2001
- Ecclesiological and Ecumenical Implications of Baptism - by Walter Kasper in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- Ecumenical Formation in the Service of a Renewed Church - by John S. Pobee in Ecumenical Review, 2001
- Ecumenism and Prison Chaplaincy - by Ben W. Bledsoe - Theology Today October 1987
- The Disunity of the Church and the Credibility of the Gospel - by Bruce D. Marshall in Theology Today, 1993
- Holy Scripture And Dialogue
- Melchizedek, King and Priest: An Ecumenical Paradigm? - by T.K. Thomas in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- Newman and True Ecumenism - Fr Peter Bristow
- Reconcilia tion between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mennonites - The Joint Declaration on Justification - by Hans L. Martensen in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- Roman Catholics and Pentecostals in Dialogue - by Walter J. Hollenweger in Ecumenical Review, 1999
- That They May All Be One:The Imperatives and Prospects of Christian Unity - Edward Idris Cassidy
- The Ecumenical Christian
- The Nature and Purpose of Ecumenical Dialogue - by Konrad Raiser in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- The Reformation: A Catholic Reflection - by Richard P. McBrien in Theology Today, 1981
- Toward Reuniting the Church - by Peter Kreeft
to God - Rejoice in Hope": Roman Catholic Perspectives for
Harare and Beyond
- by Anton Houtepen in Ecumenical Review, 1998 - Ut Unum Sint and Catholic Involvement in Ecumenism - by William Henn in Ecumenical Review, 2000
- Vatican's New Ecumenical Officer May Smooth Relations with Protestants - By Luigi Sandri in Rome - Christianity Today Magazine
See also: Church History - Church Documents - Ecclesiology