Resources for Children's Liturgy
Bible Study and homilies
Catechesis with Children
puzzles coloring pages
pdf document
- Pressure and Honor - - Family Activity: Presentation Prayer Box
- SDC worksheets for for use in Sunday Liturgy groups for children - SDC RE Resources - The Presentation of Our Lord
- Liturgy of the Word with Children - Catholic Diocese of Aukland - The Presentation of the Lord
- Diocese of Westminster - Children's Liturgy - Year C Presentation
- CAFOD Childrens liturgy
- The Children's Liturgy of the Word with Miss Heidi
- Heidi Witte - Kids' Liturgy - YouTube
- Sunday Mass Prep – Holy Heroes
- 52 Sundays - A dynamic guide to help you and your family reclaim the Lord’s Day with prayer, activities, food, and more!
- Young Catholics - Resources, games, lessons plans, prayers
- Sunday Connection - Loyola Press - The Presentation of the Lord
- - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Coloring Page - Mass Worksheets - Word Search: Crossword:
Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles
- Presentation of the Lord at the Temple coloring pages
- Church of Saint Leo the Great NJ - Children's Corner - Coloring Pages
- Pinterest: Presentation of our Lord coloring pages
- Free Bible Images - When Jesus was 8 days old - Simeon and Anna meet baby Jesus - Simeon and Anna thank God for sending Jesus - Infant Jesus at the Temple
Related: Gospel of Matthew - Gospel of Mark - Gospel of Luke - Gospel of John - Bible - Luke Coloring Pages
Clipart Luke - Crossword Puzzles - Luke - Bible Posters: Luke - Bible