Bible Study and Homilies
Resources for Children's Liturgy
Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations
- O Brother (or Sister), Who Art Thou? -
- Bible Study Lesson Plans, Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Picayune, Mississippi
- Agape Bible Study - The Gospel According to Luke - Chapter 6 - 7 - Handouts
- Catholic Culture : Liturgical Year - Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
- The Emmaus Series - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Maps For Living - by Patricia Datchuck Sánchez
- Creighton University Daily Reflections - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 2010 - 2007 - 2004 - 2001
- Wellspring of Scripture - Year C: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Bible Study Resources - Archdiocese for the Military, USA Archdiocese for the Military, USA - 6th Sunday
- Office of the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford - Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart Sunday Readings - Year C - Sixth Week Ordinary Time
- Living Space - Commentaries on the Daily Readings - Sunday of week 6 of Ordinary Time
- Sacred Space - Luke 6:20-26
- Father John Mckinnon - Luke Gospel Commentary -
Luke 6:17-26
- - Contemplating today's Gospel - Sunday 6th (C) in Ordinary Time Lc 6,17.20-26: «Rejoice in that day and leap for joy» - Enric RIBAS i Baciana (Barcelona, Spain)
- Sunday Homilies and Reflections from Australia - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
- | Homilies - 6th Sunday of ordinary time
- Augustinian Friends, An Online Home for Augustinian Spirituality - 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert - Homily for 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time — Cycle C – 2010
Related: Gospel of Matthew - Gospel of Mark - Gospel of Luke - Gospel of John - Bible - Luke Coloring Pages
Clipart Luke - Crossword Puzzles - Luke - Bible Posters: Luke - Bible