Bible Study and Homilies
Resources for Children's Liturgy
Gospel of John 2: 1-11
Bible Study / Commentaries and Meditations
- A Sign of Faith -
- Bible Study Lesson Plans, Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Picayune, Mississippi
- Oulines for the Gospel of John - by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D. - The Wedding at Cana (2:1-12)
- Agape Bible Study - The Gospel According to John - Chapter 2, The Wedding at Cana (The First Sign) - Handouts
- Catholic Culture : Liturgical Year - Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
- A Covenant Between Spouses - by Patricia Datchuck Sánchez
- The Emmaus Series - Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (C)
- Creighton University Daily Reflections - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: 2016 - 2013 - 2010 - 2007 - 2004 - 2001
- Wellspring of Scripture - Year C: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- peaceonjustice | Lectionary reflections related to Catholic Social Teaching - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Education for Justice - Lectionary Reflection - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time [c]
- Living Space Archive: Sunday of Week 2 of Ordinary time Year C
- Vincentian Online Library: Ordninary Time 02, Year C
- Bible Study Resources - Archdiocese for the Military, USA Archdiocese for the Military, USA - 2nd Sunday
- Office of the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford - Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart Sunday Readings - Year C - Second -Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time
- Living Space - Commentaries on the Daily Readings - Sunday of week 2 of Ordinary Time (Cycle C)
- Sacred Space - John 2, 1-11
- How do you pray the Rosary? Scroll down to The Second Luminous Mystery: The Self-Revelation of the Lord at the Wedding Feast of Cana
- In the Wedding: Scott Hahn Reflects on the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-12 Think of these first weeks after Christmas as a season of “epiphanies.” The Liturgy is showing us Who Jesus is and what He has revealed about our relationship with God.
- Jesus Works Miracle at Mary's Request - "Mary's request: 'Do whatever he tells you', keeps its ever timely value for Christians of every age.... It is an exhortation to trust without hesitation, especially when one does not understand the meaning or benefit of what Christ asks" - Pope John Paul II, General Audience of Wednesday, 26 February 1997.
- Father John Mckinnon - John Gospel Commentary - John 2:1-12
- Homilies on the Gospel of John (Chrysostom): Homily 22 - Homily 23
- Tractates (Lectures) on the Gospel of John - Augustine
- Tractate
8 (John 2:1-4) - Tractate
9 (John 2:1-2)
- | Homilies - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time C
- Year C Homilies and sermons by Fr. Tommy Lane - Homily for the Second Sunday: Mary interceded at Cana and continues to be our Advocate
- Redemptorists of Australia, New Zealand and Samoa - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
- - Contemplating today's Gospel - Sunday II (C) in Ordinary Time Jn 2,1-12: «And the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus was also invited to the wedding with his disciples» - Enric PRAT i Jordana (Sort, Lleida, Spain)
- Sunday Homilies and Reflections from Australia - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
- Augustinian Friends, An Online Home for Augustinian Spirituality - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert - Homily for 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle C
Related: Gospel of Matthew - Gospel of Mark - Gospel of Luke - Gospel of John - Bible - John Coloring Pages
Clipart John - Crossword Puzzles - John - Bible Posters: John