Resources for Children's Liturgy
Gospel of John 2: 1-11
Catechesis with Children
puzzles coloring pages
pdf document
- Speak Up for Others - children's story by Larry Broding, - Family Activity: A Special Meal
- Children's Sermons for Lectionary Year C | - Water into Wine - Saving the Best for Last - The Miracle Worker with links to a coloring pages
and a word search puzzle
- Sunday School Lessons, Higher Praise Bible School - Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
- Catholic Diocese of Aukland - Liturgy with children - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
- SDC RE Resources - 2nt Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Liturgy of the Word with Children - Diocese of Westminster
- The Wedding At Cana In Galilee - The gospel passage for narrators and characters. From the Book of Jesus.
- CAFOD Childrens liturgy
- Catholic Toolbox - 1/19/25- John 2:1-11
- OLM childrens Liturgy
- Sunday Connection - Loyola Press - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
- The Kids’ Bulletin 2nd Sunday (2016) - 2022 edition
- More recent Bulletins
- Book of Jesus Table of Contents: The life of Jesus from the Gospels in easy-to-read, chronological format: The Wedding At Cana In Galilee
- Pinterest boards with coloring pages, activities, worksheets, puzzles, crafts, games: Wedding at Cana - Water to Wine - A Messy Wedding at Cana
- CatholicMom Sunday Gospel Activities
- SundayPrep - Children's Liturgy of the Word
- The Children's Liturgy of the Word with Miss Heidi
- Life of Christ from the gospel of John - A Wedding in Cana John 2:1-12
- Children's Outreach Ministry Teaching Material - Lesson: Water into Wine
- The Children's Liturgy of the Word with Miss Heidi
- Heidi Witte - Kids' Liturgy - YouTube
- Sunday Mass Prep – Holy Heroes
- 52 Sundays - A dynamic guide to help you and your family reclaim the Lord’s Day with prayer, activities, food, and more!
- Young Catholics - Resources, games, lessons plans, prayers
Images / Clipart / Coloring Pages / Puzzles
- Art in the Christian Tradition
HermanoLeón Clipart, Sunday 2C
- Office of the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford - Wordsearch
Clip Art, Epiphany 2C, Fr. Richard Lonsdale
Clip Art Images: John 2:1-11, John 2:1-11 #2 - Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú
Cerezo Barredo's weekly gospel illustration
John 2:1-11 — Wedding at Cana
Wedding Feast at Cana, John 2:1-11 - Crossword Puzzle - Word Search Puzzle
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
Marriage at Cana - Several coloring pages
- Free Bible Images - Jesus at a Wedding
- Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Concordance, with the following themes: The Wedding at Cana
- Marriage at Cana - Wikimedia Commons - Fine art
- John 2.3 Poster - They have no wine.
- John 2.5 Poster - Do whatever he tells you.
Related: Gospel of Matthew - Gospel of Mark - Gospel of Luke - Gospel of John - Bible - John Coloring Pages
Clipart John - Crossword Puzzles - John - Bible Posters: John