John Paul II on Science and Faith
Science and Faith - Evolution and the Catholic Church - Ethics and Science - General
- Address to the Pontifical Academy of Science - Truth cannot be subject to negotiation
- A thought on the faith of the scientist - Pope John Paul II, 7/17/85
- Faith can never contradict reason: The Pope on Galileo.
- Jubilee for Men and Women of Learning
- Man's dignity stems from his spiritual nature
- Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution for It Involves Conception of Man
- Our knowledge of God and nature: physics, philosophy and theology - Letter of Pope John Paul II
- Proofs for God's existence are many and convergent - Pope John Paul II - General Audience of Wednesday, 10 July, 1985. This Papal catechesis on the subject of the existence of God was the second in a series, based on Psalm 18/19: 2-5.
- Science and faith in the search for truth - John Paul II to teachers and university students in Cologne Cathedral, Saturday, November 15, 1980.
- Science and Human Values - Pope John Paul II - To an international group of scientists taking part in the Marcel Grossman Meeting on Relativistic Astrophysics, 21 June, 1985
- Science and religion can renew culture - Modern society expects these two human realities to work together to improve civilization. The ethical dimension of human progress must always be kept in mind if society is to be worthy of the human person. - Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants in a Symposium sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Council for Culture, October 4, 1991.
- Science serves humanity only when it is joined to conscience - John Paul II
- Scientists and God - Pope John Paul II - General Audience, Wednesday, 17 July, 1985. The Holy Father's catechesis was based on Sirach 43:30-33.
- Servants of the truth - Discourse of Pope John Paul II to members of the Ammerican Philospohical Society and the Italian 'Accademia dei Lincei', 21 May 1996
- Study the world to know man - Address of Pope John Paul II to participants in a conference organized by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia on "The problem of the cosmos " in honor of Albert Einstein on the first centenary of his birth, September 28, 1979
- The human person must be the beginning, subject and goal of all scientific research - Address to the pontifical Academy of Sciences
- The moral dimension of study and research - On April 1, 1980, Pope John Paul II delivered the following address to some six thousand university students from forty-three countries, participants in the "UNIV '80" international congress.
- The Value of Cosmology for our Vision of Ourselves - Pope John Paul II - To the participants in a conference organized by the Vatican Observatory on the subject "The Frontiers of Cosmology", July 6, 1985
- To Pontifical Academy of Sciences - Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution for It Involves Conception of Man
- The problems of science are the problems of man - An address by Pope John Paul II to members of the European Physical Society, on March 30, 1979.
Related: John-Paul II