
My name is Gilles Côté. I am a Canadian living in Ottawa. I am the webmaster of 4CatholicEducators.com and of its sister site Resources for Catholic Educators which is now no longer online.

My background as a Catholic religious educator:

     I taught grades 7 through 12 for 23 years in Catholic schools. Throughout those years, though I also taught a variety of other subjects, the bulk of my teaching assignments focused mostly on religious education.

Gilles Côté

     I was Religious Education Coordinator for a number of years in a Catholic High school in British Columbia. Over the years, I have also been involved in faith education in various ways at the parish level and in the larger community: in confirmation preparation classes, in RCIA as a catechist, in Baptism preparation sessions for parents, as facilitator in a faith sharing group, and as a member of a parish pastoral council. As well, for a number of years I was active in the Cursillo movement as a leader. As part of a COR team I also organized several weekend retreats for young adults.

      My educational background: B.A., B.Ph. and I studied theology for several years as a part-time student working part-time as well as a web-based educational agent for the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers and on my own Web sites and blog:

Resources for Catholic Educators
Catholic Faith Education Blog
I also publish the Catholic Faith Education Newsletter and curate an online magazine at http://www.scoop.it/t/resources-for-catholic-faith-education/

Mission Statement

     The 4CatholicEducators.com web site seeks to assist Catholic teachers and catechists in their role as educators of the faith by providing them with easy access to free online resources.

For suggestions, comments, or requests you may contact me at gilleslcote at gmail.com