Wisdom of Saintly Men and Women Poster I



Saint Augustine art poster

He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he is a king.-- St. Augustine

Ignatius of Antioch art poster

I hunger for the bread of God, the flesh of Jesus Christ ...; I long to drink of his blood, the gift of unending love. --St. Ignatius of Antioch

Eckart art poster

If the only prayer you say in your whole life is "thank you," that would suffice -- Meister Eckart

de foucauld art poster

God uses adverse winds to blow us into port. -- Charles de Foucauld


John Paul II art poster

Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light.  Be open to the Lord  so that He may lighten all your ways.Pope John Paul II


Saint Anthony art poster

Do something good for someone you like least today -- Saint Anthony

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