Religious Education
Reviews of Web Sites focussing on Catholic Religious Education
- A Multiple Intelligence Approach - Ronald Nuzzi
- Catechetical Language and Religious Education - by Maria Harris and Gabriel Moran in Theology Today, 1992
- Catholic Schools by Diocese - A directory of primary and secondary Catholic schools in the United States
- Declaration on Christian Education - Vatican II
- Diocese of Pittsburgh - dowloadable files: Catechetical Curriculum Guidelines / Faith Education in the Home
- Expect Much, Praise Much, Be Present to Them - Margaret Holcombe
- The
Gesture of a Truthful Story - By Stanley Hauerwas -
"Put simply religious education is the training in those gestures through which we learn the story, of God and God's will for our lives... It is ongoing training in the skills we need in order to live faithful to the kingdom that has been initiated in Jesus."
- Helping Students Get the Most out of Stories - Gertrude Schliff Johnson
- Meeting the rhinoceros - Fred Herron
- Methods That Tune In to the Students' World - Jack Kell
- National Catholic Educational Association
- On Catechesis in Our Time Pope John Paul II: Catechesi Tradendae (1979)
- On Teaching - Rev. James V. Schall S.J.
- On the Mystery of Teachers I Have Never Met - Rev. James V. Schall S.J.
- On Teaching and Being Eminently Teachable - Rev. James V. Schall S.J.
- On the Education of Young Men and Women - Rev. James V. Schall S.J.
- Praying Each Day - Religious Education Websites
- Roman Catholic Church Colleges and Schools | American School Search
- Six Ways to be Truly Catholic - Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B.
- Theology Library: Education
- The REsite
- Tuition Program, Inc. - A tuition company founded in 1985 by Catholic parents to serve Catholic schools
- When the School Play Becomes a Faith Experience - Edmond J. Dixon
- Religious Education Database - The Australian Catholic Education Commission has a searchable database of Websites, learning objects and "faith quests". Select a the type of resource you are looking for, the contnt area you are interestd in and the year group of your students or simply use a keyword, press "submit" and get a listing of resources with brief descriptions of contents. Quite a useful resource.
The website of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen offers the possibility of asking your questions to an expert in religious education through an online form. Also of interest on the Office of Religious Education pages of the website are a series of bulletins created by associate director Mary Regina Morrell.
"It's important that my classes be interesting for the students, but I have to remind myself that I will connnect with some of them but not others. I'm not the only teacher they will ever have; this is not the only religious course they will have. The Spirit will breathe where it will. We are not totally in charge or totally responsible.With religion classes, we are dealing with a whole faith dimension that we do not control. We need to realize that." -- Margaret Holcombe
Related: Religious Education - Rcia - Catechetics - The Creed - Prayer - Sacraments - Bible Studies - Church Documents